Security architecture and security policy in java

Java security includes a large set of APIs, tools, and implementations of commonly-used security algorithms, mechanisms, and protocols. The Java security APIs span a wide range of areas, including cryptography, public key infrastructure, secure communication, authentication, and access control. Java security technology provides the developer with a comprehensive security framework for writing applications, and also provides the user or administrator with a set of tools to securely manage applications.

Introduction to Java Security

The JDK is designed with a strong emphasis on security. At its core, the Java language itself is type-safe and provides automatic garbage collection, enhancing the robustness of application code. A secure class loading and verification mechanism ensures that only legitimate Java code is executed. The Java security architecture includes a large set of application programming interfaces (APIs), tools, and implementations of commonly-used security algorithms, mechanisms, and protocols.

The Java security APIs span a wide range of areas. Cryptographic and public key infrastructure (PKI) interfaces provide the underlying basis for developing secure applications. Interfaces for performing authentication and access control enable applications to guard against unauthorized access to protected resources.

The APIs allow for multiple interoperable implementations of algorithms and other security services. Services are implemented in providers , which are plugged into the JDK through a standard interface that makes it easy for applications to obtain security services without having to know anything about their implementations. This allows developers to focus on how to integrate security into their applications, rather than on how to actually implement complex security mechanisms.

The JDK includes a number of providers that implement a core set of security services. It also allows for additional custom providers to be installed. This enables developers to extend the platform with new security mechanisms.

The JDK is divided into modules. Modules that contain security APIs include the following:

Table 1-1 Modules That Contain Security APIs

Module Description
java.base Defines the foundational APIs of Java SE ; contained packages include , javax.crypto , , and Defines the Java binding of the IETF Generic Security Services API (GSS-API). This module also contains GSS-API mechanisms including Kerberos v5 and SPNEGO Defines Java support for the IETF Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL). This module also contains SASL mechanisms including DIGEST-MD5, CRAM-MD5, and NTLM
java.smartcardio Defines the Java Smart Card I/O API
java.xml.crypto Defines the API for XML cryptography
jdk.jartool Defines APIs for signing jar files Provides implementations of the* interfaces and various authentication modules Defines Java extensions to the GSS-API and an implementation of the SASL GSS-API mechanism

Java Language Security and Bytecode Verification

The Java language is designed to be type-safe and easy to use. It provides automatic memory management, garbage collection, and range-checking on arrays. This reduces the overall programming burden placed on developers, leading to fewer subtle programming errors and to safer, more robust code.

A compiler translates Java programs into a machine-independent bytecode representation. A bytecode verifier is invoked to ensure that only legitimate bytecodes are executed in the Java runtime. It checks that the bytecodes conform to the Java Language Specification and do not violate Java language rules or namespace restrictions. The verifier also checks for memory management violations, stack underflows or overflows, and illegal data typecasts. Once bytecodes have been verified, the Java runtime prepares them for execution.

Basic Security Architecture

The JDK defines a set of APIs spanning major security areas, including cryptography, public key infrastructure, authentication, secure communication, and access control. The APIs allow developers to easily integrate security into their application code.

The APIs are designed around the following principles:

Implementation independence Applications do not need to implement security themselves. Rather, they can request security services from the JDK. Security services are implemented in providers (see the section Security Providers), which are plugged into the JDK via a standard interface. An application may rely on multiple independent providers for security functionality. Implementation interoperability

Providers are interoperable across applications. Specifically, an application is not bound to a specific provider if it does not rely on default values from the provider.

Algorithm extensibility The JDK includes a number of built-in providers that implement a basic set of security services that are widely used today. However, some applications may rely on emerging standards not yet implemented, or on proprietary services. The JDK supports the installation of custom providers that implement such services.

Security Providers

The class encapsulates the notion of a security provider in the Java platform. It specifies the provider's name and lists the security services it implements. Multiple providers may be configured at the same time and are listed in order of preference. When a security service is requested, the highest priority provider that implements that service is selected.

Applications rely on the relevant getInstance method to request a security service from an underlying provider.

For example, message digest creation represents one type of service available from providers. To request an implementation of a specific message digest algorithm, call the method . The following statement requests a SHA-256 message digest implementation without specifying a provider name:

 MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); 

The following figure illustrates how this statement obtains a SHA-256 message digest implementation. The providers are searched in preference order, and the implementation from the first provider supplying that particular algorithm, ProviderB , is returned.

Figure 1-1 Request SHA-256 Message Digest Implementation Without Specifying Provider

Description of Figure 1-1 follows

Description of "Figure 1-1 Request SHA-256 Message Digest Implementation Without Specifying Provider"

You can optionally request an implementation from a specific provider by specifying the provider's name. The following statement requests a SHA-256 message digest implementation from a specific provider, ProviderC :

 MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256", "ProviderC"); 

The following figure illustrates how this statement requests a SHA-256 message digest implementation from a specific provider, ProviderC . In this case, the implementation from that provider is returned, even though a provider with a higher preference order, ProviderB , also supplies a SHA-256 implementation.

Figure 1-2 Request SHA-256 Message Digest Implementation from Specific Provider

Description of Figure 1-2 follows

Description of "Figure 1-2 Request SHA-256 Message Digest Implementation from Specific Provider"

For more information about cryptographic services, such as message digest algorithms, see the section Java Cryptography.

Oracle's implementation of the Java platform includes a number of built-in default providers that implement a basic set of security services that can be used by applications. Note that other vendor implementations of the Java platform may include different sets of providers that encapsulate vendor-specific sets of security services. The term built-in default providers refers to the providers available in Oracle's implementation.

File Locations

The following table lists locations of some security-related files and tools.

Table 1-2 Java security files and tools

Certain aspects of Java security, such as configuring the providers, may be customized by setting Security Properties. You may set Security Properties statically in the file. Security Properties may also be set dynamically by calling appropriate methods of the Security class (in the package).

This is the default system policy file; see Security Policy.

This directory contains sets of jurisdiction policy files; see Cryptographic Strength Configuration.

The cacerts file represents a system-wide keystore with Certificate Authority (CA) and other trusted certificates. For information about configuring and managing this file, see keytool in Java Platform, Standard Edition Tools Reference .

Windows only: kinit , klist , ktab

For more information about security-related tools, see Security Tools and Commands in Java Platform, Standard Edition Tools Reference .

Java Cryptography

The Java cryptography architecture is a framework for accessing and developing cryptographic functionality for the Java platform.

It includes APIs for a large variety of cryptographic services, including the following:

The cryptographic interfaces are provider-based, allowing for multiple and interoperable cryptography implementations. Some providers may perform cryptographic operations in software; others may perform the operations on a hardware token (for example, on a smart card device or on a hardware cryptographic accelerator). Providers that implement export-controlled services must be digitally signed by a certificate issued by the Oracle JCE Certificate Authority.

The Java platform includes built-in providers for many of the most commonly used cryptographic algorithms, including the RSA, DSA, and ECDSA signature algorithms, the AES encryption algorithm, the SHA-2 message digest algorithms, and the Diffie-Hellman (DH) and Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key agreement algorithms. Most of the built-in providers implement cryptographic algorithms in Java code.

The Java platform also includes a built-in provider that acts as a bridge to a native PKCS#11 (v2.x) token. This provider, named SunPKCS11 , allows Java applications to seamlessly access cryptographic services located on PKCS#11-compliant tokens.

On Windows, the Java platform includes a built-in provider that acts as a bridge to the native Microsoft CryptoAPI. This provider, named SunMSCAPI , allows Java applications to seamlessly access cryptographic services on Windows through the CryptoAPI.

Public Key Infrastructure

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a term used for a framework that enables secure exchange of information based on public key cryptography. It allows identities (of people, organizations, etc.) to be bound to digital certificates and provides a means of verifying the authenticity of certificates. PKI encompasses keys, certificates, public key encryption, and trusted Certification Authorities (CAs) who generate and digitally sign certificates.

The Java platform includes APIs and provider support for X.509 digital certificates and Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs), as well as PKIX-compliant certification path building and validation. The classes related to PKI are located in the and packages.

Key and Certificate Storage

The Java platform provides for long-term persistent storage of cryptographic keys and certificates via key and certificate stores. Specifically, the class represents a key store , a secure repository of cryptographic keys and/or trusted certificates (to be used, for example, during certification path validation), and the class represents a certificate store , a public and potentially vast repository of unrelated and typically untrusted certificates. A CertStore may also store CRLs.

KeyStore and CertStore implementations are distinguished by types. The Java platform includes the standard PKCS11 and PKCS12 key store types (whose implementations are compliant with the corresponding PKCS specifications from RSA Security). It also contains a proprietary file-based key store type called JKS (which stands for Java Key Store), and a type called DKS (Domain Key Store) which is a collection of keystores that are presented as a single logical keystore.

The Java platform includes a special built-in key store, cacerts , that contains a number of certificates for well-known, trusted CAs. The keytool utility is able to list the certificates included in cacerts . See keytool in Java Platform, Standard Edition Tools Reference .

The SunPKCS11 provider mentioned in the section Java Cryptography includes a PKCS11 KeyStore implementation. This means that keys and certificates residing in secure hardware (such as a smart card) can be accessed and used by Java applications via the KeyStore API. Note that smart card keys may not be permitted to leave the device. In such cases, the object returned by the KeyStore API may simply be a reference to the key (that is, it would not contain the actual key material). Such a Key object can only be used to perform cryptographic operations on the device where the actual key resides.

The Java platform also includes an LDAP certificate store type (for accessing certificates stored in an LDAP directory), as well as an in-memory Collection certificate store type (for accessing certificates managed in a java.util.Collection object).

Public Key Infrastructure Tools

There are two built-in tools for working with keys, certificates, and key stores: